2-1-1 San Diego connects people with community, health and disaster services through a free, 24/7 stigma-free phone services and searchable online database.
211 or 858-300-1211
The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.
2-1-1 San Diego connects people with community, health and disaster services through a free, 24/7 stigma-free phone services and searchable online database.
211 or 858-300-1211
Resource services, searchable online database, and confidential phone service
No cost
Benefits Enrollment
If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.
We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.