Successful Transitions Resource Center

Teens, ages 15 to 18

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Family Law Assistance: Family Court Building

The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. Help is provided through group workshops and walk in assistance. For walk in assistance, visit the FLF office at the courthouse where your court file is located.

(619) 450-7888    Visit Website    View Map

Family Law Assistance: Madge Bradley Building

The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. Help is provided through group workshops and walk in assistance. For walk in assistance, visit the FLF office at the courthouse where your court file is located. For cases assigned to the Madge Bradley courthouse, walk in assistance is not available at that location but is available at the FLF office at Family Court.

(619) 450-7642    Visit Website    View Map

Family Law Assistance: South County Courthouse

The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. Help is provided through group workshops and walk in assistance. For walk in assistance, visit the FLF office at the courthouse where your court file is located.

(619) 746-6097    Visit Website    View Map

Family Law Assistance: North County Courthouse

The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. Help is provided through group workshops and walk in assistance. For walk in assistance, visit the FLF office at the courthouse where your court file is located.

(760) 201-8600 Ext. 140    Visit Website    View Map

Family Law Assistance: East County Courthouse

The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. Help is provided through group workshops and walk in assistance. For walk in assistance, visit the FLF office at the courthouse where your court file is located.

(619) 456-4100    Visit Website    View Map

California Indian Legal Services

California Indian Legal Services (CILS) is one of the oldest non-profit law firms devoted exclusively to the cause of Native American rights. Governed by a Board of Trustees selected by California tribes and tribal organizations, CILS has provided free and low-cost legal services to California tribes, tribal organizations and Native American individuals throughout the state for over four decades. Our mission is to protect and advance Indian rights, foster Indian self-determination, and facilitate tribal nation-building.

(800) 743-8941    Visit Website    View Map

Las Valientes Legal Assistance

Las Valientes Legal Assistance provides legal assistance for low income, Spanish-speaking families.

(760) 439-1133       View Map

Encinitas Community Resource Center

Founded in 1979, Community Resource Center (CRC) is a nonprofit social services agency serving residents throughout coastal North San Diego County. CRC is dedicated to helping women and children, individuals, and families live safe, self-sufficient lives by providing critical assistance in the areas of domestic violence services, food programs, and emergency and transitional housing assistance.

(760) 753-1156    Visit Website    View Map

North County Lifeline: Legal Advice Clinic

Volunteer attorneys provide legal consultation for low-income clients regarding their legal options. Consultations are twenty minutes in length. No attorney representation or document preparation is provided. Must have an appointment.

(760) 842-6228    Visit Website    View Map

Vista Hill: Bridges Teen Recovery Center and Substance Abuse Programs

Vista Hill’s substance abuse programs for teens provide adolescents with behavioral development curriculum specific to the problem. Bridges offers an array of classes for teens with certain violations or behaviors brought to the attention of law enforcement, probation or juvenile court. Teens arrested or cited for crimes may have the opportunity to participate in special classes or services to meet their legal obligation.

(619) 795-7232    Visit Website    View Map


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Please note:

The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

Funded by the Generosity of

Bank of America

St. Germaine Children's Charity

Agency Inclusion

If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.


We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.

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