Independent Living Skills
Independent living skills are the skills and abilities a person needs to function independently as an adult. In this section, you will find programs and services that assist teens and young adults with general life skills, money management, transportation, pregnancy and parenting, advocacy skills, and legal needs in San Diego County.
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Encinitas Community Resource Center
Founded in 1979, Community Resource Center (CRC) is a nonprofit social services agency serving residents throughout coastal North San Diego County. CRC is dedicated to helping women and children, individuals, and families live safe, self-sufficient lives by providing critical assistance in the areas of domestic violence services, food programs, and emergency and transitional housing assistance.
(760) 753-1156
North County Lifeline: Legal Advice Clinic
Volunteer attorneys provide legal consultation for low-income clients regarding their legal options. Consultations are twenty minutes in length. No attorney representation or document preparation is provided. Must have an appointment.
(760) 842-6228
Vista Hill: Juvenile Drug Court Program
The Juvenile Drug Court (JDC) provides intensive case management, support and drug testing for youth under close supervision by Superior Court – Juvenile Division. JDC is recommended for youth refractory to lower level intervention and supervision.
Services are available throughout San Diego County.
(858) 514-5100
Vista Hill: Parent Care Family Recovery Center (East)
Parent Care Family Recovery Services are designed for chemically dependent women and their families who at high risk for child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness. A majority of women in treatment also have a dual psychiatric diagnosis and a host of physical health related issues.
(619) 668-4200
Vista Hill: Parent Care Family Recovery Center (Central)
Parent Care Family Recovery Services are designed for chemically dependent women and their families who at high risk for child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness. A majority of women in treatment also have a dual psychiatric diagnosis and a host of physical health related issues.
(619) 266-0166
Vista Hill: Perinatal Case Management
Vista Hill’s Perinatal Case Management Services are designed to assist chemically dependent pregnant and parenting women as well as adolescents who have used drugs and/or alcohol within the past year. The objectives of the program are to assist women to become alcohol and/or drug free and for pregnant women to deliver healthy infants.
(619) 668-4265
San Diego County Bar Association: Lawyer Referrals Information Service
Free referral service to attorneys in private practice.
(800) 464-1529
Disability Help Center
Disability Help Center offers services to help you receive your Social Security disability benefits.
Main Line: (619) 282-1761
HOTLINE: (888) 418-8860
(619) 282-1761
Legal Aid Society
Free legal services for low income residents of San Diego County.
(877) 534-2524
San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Program
Oldest and largest provider of pro bono legal services in San Diego.
(619) 235-5656
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The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.
Agency Inclusion
If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.
We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.