Successful Transitions Resource Center

Teens, ages 15 to 18

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Independent Living Skills

Independent living skills are the skills and abilities a person needs to function independently as an adult. In this section, you will find programs and services that assist teens and young adults with general life skills, money management, transportation, pregnancy and parenting, advocacy skills, and legal needs in San Diego County.

Please note:

The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

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Project A.W.A.R.E.

Project A.W.A.R.E. aims to educate at-risk youths and prepare them to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. By becoming emotionally literate, learning/developing basic social skills, and through self-examination, our young students will not only better themselves and their school environment, but also become productive members of society and establish themselves as community leaders. Project A.W.A.R.E. provides a healthy environment wherein students can safely process their feelings and learn how to effectively incorporate problem-solving skills that they’ve learned into their daily lives.

(760) 828-7002

Second Chance: Juvenile Options for Lifelong Transition Program

In 2009, Second Chance launched its Juvenile Options for Lifelong Transition Program (JOLT). The JOLT Program is dedicated to providing a comprehensive custody-to-community reentry model based on evidence based practices with the goal to prevent further involvement with the judicial system and support transition aged youth into adulthood. The JOLT Program provides support for 14-24 year old young adults who are often gang involved or affected, and are transitioning from incarceration back into the community. The program serves high risk, transition aged youth, reentering the community and includes gang intervention activities thus increasing public safety and neighborhood wellness.


San Diego Unified School District: San Diego Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program

San Diego Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program (SANDAPP) provides case management and counseling services to pregnant and parenting youth throughout San Diego County. In addition, SANDAPP also offers Parent Child Interaction Therapy services for teen parents and their children to improve bonding and attachment and resolve behavior issues and concerns. These services offer a hands-on approach to parenting skill development and are proven to reduce behaviors of the child’s that the teen parent is concerned about.


Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)

Team of Special Advocates (TASK) is a family-centered nonprofit offering support to families of children with disabilities.


Turning the Hearts Center

More than ever, communities need organizations that are community sensitive, family-centered, purpose driven and result oriented. Communities need organizations that inherently believe in empowering youth and families, and are committed to restoring family unity and self-sufficiency. One such organization is called Turning the Hearts Center (THC). THC, founded in 2001, grew out of a growing community demand to foster programs that empower youth leadership development and strengthen families. We empower youth and families to thrive, and not just survive!

(619) 691-9643

San Diego Regional Center

The San Diego Regional Center provides a variety of services to persons with developmental disabilities and their families that are based on individual needs and supports their independence.

(858) 576-2996

Public Guardian

The Public Guardian conducts official investigations into conservatorship matters, and serves as the legally appointed guardian for persons, who have been determined by the Courts to be incapable of caring for themselves. These are generally older, frail and vulnerable adults who are at risk or have been a victim of abuse or neglect.

(858) 694-3500

Street of Dreams: Musicians for Education

Street of Dreams provides a music and arts education, college prep program for teen mothers who are at high risk wards of the court and have been trapped in the juvenile justice system. Our students come from foster care, incarceration, and homelessness.

(619) 282-3355

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

At the heart of NAMI San Diego’s mission is the sharing of information and striving to end the stigma associated with mental illness. To this end, we offer a Helpline, support groups, educational meetings, newsletters, a lending library and a number of classes on mental illness held at various locations throughout San Diego County.

1 (800) 523-5933

YMCA: Childcare Resource Services

Because the Y is for everyone, we bring together children, adults and families of all abilities like no other organization can. As a result, hundreds of thousands in San Diego County are receiving the support, guidance and resources needed to achieve greater health and well-being for their spirit, mind and body. We focus our work in three key areas, because nurturing the potential of kids, helping people live healthier and supporting our neighbors are fundamental to strengthening communities.

(619) 521-3055

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The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

Funded by the Generosity of

Bank of America

St. Germaine Children's Charity

Agency Inclusion

If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.


We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.

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