Successful Transitions Resource Center

Teens, ages 15 to 18

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Independent Living Skills

Independent living skills are the skills and abilities a person needs to function independently as an adult. In this section, you will find programs and services that assist teens and young adults with general life skills, money management, transportation, pregnancy and parenting, advocacy skills, and legal needs in San Diego County.

Please note:

The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

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Arc of San Diego

The Arc of San Diego is one of the largest, most comprehensive providers of services to children and adults with disabilities in San Diego County. All our programs promote social, economic, and personal independence.

(619) 685-1175

Fostering Change: Independent Living Skills Program

The Fostering Change Independent Living Skills program is designed to help foster youth achieve self-sufficiency when they age out of foster care. We provide intensive life skills training and case management support.

(866) 457-4636

Social Advocates for Youth: Dual Diagnosis Services for Probation Institutions

SAY’s Dual Diagnosis Program works with the Probation Department to provide youth who are currently incarcerated or recently released evidence-based, psycho-educational groups that focus on skills that are essential to successful reintegration into the community. Topics discussed include the impact of substance use, dealing with anger, cognitive restructuring, social and life skills development, dating abuse prevention, and social tolerance.

(858) 492-2340

Harmonium: Family Youth Partnership Program

Harmonium’s Family Youth Partner Program offers full service partnerships to children and transition age youth. Within this program, San Diego County Mental Health and Harmonium are working together with mental health therapists to achieve treatment plan goals. Our staff members understand that mental health issues are often complicated by other life challenges such as physical health, limited resources, economics, educational needs, employment, legal system and daily life experiences.


Neighborhood House Association: Friendship Clubhouse

Friendship Clubhouse strives to create a safe, supportive environment that is sensitive to each member’s unique needs. Friendship Clubhouse focuses on socialization, social and independent living skills enhancement, wellness and recovery, recreation and vocational rehabilitation. The goal of Friendship Clubhouse is the empowerment of members to re-establish their normal roles in the community and to successfully re-integrate into community life through active participation in the planning and achievement of their personal recovery goals. Friendship Clubhouse members can choose how often they attend the program and in which activities they participate. Membership in the program is not a prerequisite to attend program activities or benefit from its services.

(619) 263-6269

North County Lifeline: LifeSpring House

The LifeSpring House and Apartments provide transitional housing for young people turning 18 and aging out of the foster care system. We provide housing for up to two years for young adults ages 18-24 as they cross the bridge between foster living and full independence. Life Spring also helps support residents’ young families with housing, as well as employment and financial goals.

(760) 842-6261

North County LGBT Resource Center

Through the vision, dedication and hard work of our supporters, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center became a reality in November 2011. We will bring together to collaborate ideas, share resources, and extend our profile in our community. We envision the Resource Center as a visible symbol of the LGBT community in North County San Diego. The Resource Center will offer support, build, educate, and improve the relationships of the LGBT community and our friends and allies. Services include support groups for the youth, seniors, military service members, HIV/AIDS testing and prevention, counseling, civil rights advocacy, classes and workgroups.

(760) 994-1690

McAlister Institute-North Inland Women and Adolescent Regional Recovery Center

McAlister Institute’s regional recovery centers are outpatient programs for adults struggling with substance abuse and other drug-related problems, including co-occurring mental health issues.

(760) 761-0515

McAlister Institute-South Bay Women’s Recovery Center

McAlister Institute’s regional recovery centers are outpatient programs for adults struggling with substance abuse and other drug-related problems, including co-occurring mental health issues.

(619) 336-1226

San Diego Youth Services: Teen Options

Our goal is to provide services that will support pregnant and parenting young women (ages 12-17) to gain sobriety and deliver a health, drug-free baby, while increasing their knowledge of child development, parenting and life skills. The Teen Options program works collaboratively with other community partners to ensure that all participants have resources for pre/post-natal health care, education/employment and housing.

(619) 521-2250

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The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

Funded by the Generosity of

Bank of America

St. Germaine Children's Charity

Agency Inclusion

If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.


We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.

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