Benefits Assistance
In this section, you will find services that are available to help teens and young adults with obtaining benefits and emergency needs assistance in San Diego County.
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Job Options Inc.
Job Options (JOI) is a San Diego-based not-for-profit company that provides professional service personnel, many of whom have severe mental, physical or psychological disabilities, in basic services such as janitorial, hospital environmental, food service, laundry, administrative and clerical, commissary inventory management and shelf-stocking services. We are proud to offer individuals with disabilities the opportunity for gainful employment without discrimination.
CalWORKs is designed to transition people from welfare to work. It provides temporary cash assistance to eligible families with minor children, to move families with children from dependency to self-sufficiency through employment.
1 (866) 262-9881
San Diego Regional Center
The San Diego Regional Center provides a variety of services to persons with developmental disabilities and their families that are based on individual needs and supports their independence.
(858) 576-2996
St. Vincent de Paul Village Transitional Housing
St. Vincent de Paul Village saves lives, inspires lives and changes the lives of our neighbors in need in the largest one-stop center in the region offering a comprehensive continuum of housing and services with no wrong door of entry or exit. The Village is located on a 3.5-block campus in the East Village neighborhood of downtown San Diego and serves families with children, single women, and single men including chronically homeless individuals, veterans and people living with addiction and/or mental illness. Providing 41 percent of all available transitional housing beds in the city of San Diego on a nightly basis, the Village is the largest residential homeless services provider in the city. The Village also manages 362 units of Permanent Supportive Housing providing people with a permanent solution to homelessness.
(619) 446-2100
Salvation Army: Emergency Shelter
Emergency shelters and transitional living centers provide housing, food, and overnight lodging for varying amounts of time to those in need. In addition, they provide educational, counseling and vocational services to homeless, destitute individuals and families, and youth where family care is undesirable or unavailable.
(858) 279-1100
YMCA: Childcare Resource Services
Because the Y is for everyone, we bring together children, adults and families of all abilities like no other organization can. As a result, hundreds of thousands in San Diego County are receiving the support, guidance and resources needed to achieve greater health and well-being for their spirit, mind and body. We focus our work in three key areas, because nurturing the potential of kids, helping people live healthier and supporting our neighbors are fundamental to strengthening communities.
(619) 521-3055
Salvation Army: Transitional Living Program
The Salvation Army’s transitional living centers provide housing, food, and overnight lodging for varying amounts of time to those in need. In addition, they provide educational, counseling and vocational services to homeless, destitute individuals and families, and youth where family care is undesirable or unavailable.
Nueva Vida Haven
While San Diego sleeps, our staff is on duty serving as many as 60 women and children each night. Many are homeless and/or battered. Without Nueva Vida Haven, many would be alone on the streets.
(619) 687-3720
YWCA San Diego
YWCA of San Diego County empowers women, men, and children to break the cycle of domestic violence and homelessness, and achieve self-sufficiency. YWCA is committed to helping families recover from trauma, improve their economic status, find permanent housing and ultimately transform their lives.
(619) 239-0355
Home Start: Family Self-Sufficiency Program (Central Region)
The Family Self Sufficiency program offers families a hand up through a continuum of care that helps move individuals and families toward self sufficiency. Working from a strength based perspective each client is treated as a partner in the creation of individualized service plans.
(619) 229-3660 Ext. 221
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The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.
Agency Inclusion
If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.
We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.