Covid 19 Updates

The San Diego Center for Children has taken extensive steps to protect the health and safety of our clients, families, and employees during the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. As leaders in mental health care and in accordance with the latest CDC guidelines and recommendations of local public health agencies, the Center has remained open to serve clients during this unprecedented time, implementing revised policies and procedures as necessary.

We will continue to update response protocols per official recommendations and with consultation from public health and medical experts.

Center Protocols

The Center assembled a COVID-19 task force made up of senior leadership to assess any updated CDC guidelines and ensure they are implemented at each program site location, revising our response protocol as needed. To date, the task force has taken the following actions:

Updated our admissions process to be in-line with CDC-recommended screening questions and processes in order to reduce the possibility of introducing the virus into the treatment environment.

Implemented a hybrid model of in-person and virtual services at the following locations:

FFAST and Wrapworks

Family Wellness Center (outpatient and school based service)

Educated every employee and frequently remind them about proper COVID prevention practices including handwashing and hand sanitizing, face coverings, social distancing, proper use of PPE, and more

Instituted health screenings for every employee at the beginning of every shift and instructed staff to stay home if they are sick, pursuant to CDC recommendations

Implemented specific return-to-work guidelines for employees following potential or verified COVID-19 exposure or illness

Increased sanitization of equipment and areas

Utilize specific health and safety protocols for any current residents presenting with symptoms of COVID-19, including quarantine procedures that do not disrupt therapeutic or academic progress whenever possible

Proactive Communications

The Center has been regularly communicating with employees and families throughout the pandemic regarding safety practices, revised policies, and notification of potential exposure when applicable and in accordance with official guidelines.

We have implemented practices pursuant to CDC guidelines for minimizing risk and closely monitor for updates. Our clients’ and employees’ safety are our top priorities during this pandemic and always.