Board of Trustees

Meet our dedicated and passionate board

Senior Leadership
Program Leadership
Board of Trustees
Advisory Council

The San Diego Center for Children Board of Trustees is committed to supporting the Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals of the Center. In this leading volunteer role, members bring their talent, expertise and passion, as they personally invest in the success and well-being of our entire San Diego community.

Ann Garland

Ann Garland, Ph.D.

Stephanie Cone

Stephanie Cone, MD

Dori Wittman

Dori Wittman

Vince Nowicki

Vince Nowicki

Cynthia Avery

Dr. Cynthia M. Avery

Melanie L. Balestra

Melanie L. Balestra, NP, ESQ

Jodie Brokowski

Jodie Brokowski

Jeffery T Gering

Jeffrey Gering, FACHE

Louis Lau

Louis Y. Lau, CFA

Dustin Sutton

Dustin Sutton

Matthew Van Eck

Matthew Van Eck

Dr. Cheryl Rode

Cheryl Rode, Ph.D.

President and CEO
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