Please note:

The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

San Diego JobCorp

(619) 429-8500

San Diego Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver’s education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance, periodic clothing allowances, and an on-center childcare program for single parents as well. The program lasts from 8 months to two years. Clients may participate in transitional living or may live off-site simply use the vocational and educational services. Interested youth must attend a “presentation” to be oriented to the program. Presentations take place at 8:30 am every Wednesday at the address listed.

Admissions Office: (800) 733-5627

San Diego location: (619) 429-8500


Hands-on career training, GED and high school diploma assistance, job placement, housing (dorm style living with 1-3 roommates; there are two dormitories, one for males and one for females), Driver’s Education, basic necessities and living allowance, health care, child care for single parents

Payment Options:

No cost to students or their families; funded by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.


16-24 years old, meet “low income” qualifications, have all previous probation and court involvement cleared.

Types of Needs:

Career Counseling, Educational Support, Job Readiness Training, Transitional Living Programs, Vocational/Trade School

Transition Resource Categories

Independent Living Skills
Job & Career
Physical Health & Well-Bring
Emotional & Behavioral Well-Bring
Community Centers & Recreation
Benefits Assistance

Funded by the Generosity of

Bank of America

St. Germaine Children's Charity

Agency Inclusion

If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.


We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.

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